Tracking number Daily Report Service
Track where your business is coming from. Assign a dedicated number to each campaign and know where your business is coming from. Starting at $49.00 a month get monthly reports as seen in the screenshot. Capture the telephone number of the caller and how long your staff was speaking to them. Monitor all of the calls daily weekly semi-weekly or monthly. Daily report service $299.00 a month. You will get a daily report of all of your calls. This allows to capture more business and return missed calls the same day. Weekly report service $199.00 a month. Get your report weekly. Semi-weekly $99.00.
Daily Report Service: All reports will be delivered to your email at whatever time you tell us. Some business request end of business day 6 pm. While others every request 24 hrs. Our cut off time for the day is 10 pm. We can not deliver reports after this time. Visit our website to sign up or call me at 805 701-0646. Email: [email protected]